Compact yet extremely versatile, the Caprice Slimline has everything you need for endless hours of fun in the sun. Thought you wouldn’t be able to fit a pool in your backyard? This beauty is fit for the job. Measuring in at 5.2m x 2.8m, or 4.2m x 2.8m the Caprice still manages to provide plenty of swimming space.
With a bench seat running down the length of one side, there is the option of turning this in to a seated spa section. If the idea of dual access appeals, the Caprice Slimline offers an entry point at each end of the pool, making it a flexible choice when it comes to placement in your backyard.
Length | Width | Deep End | Shallow End |
5.2 | 2.8 | 1.7 | 1.2 |
***Physical pool shell’s may vary to supplied drawings and all dimensions are approximate.